What is the Tuition Cost for Nampa Christian School in Boise, Idaho?

Nampa Christian School in Boise, Idaho is dedicated to providing quality education and discipleship to its students. The school offers a continuous enrollment plan that allows families to pay tuition in installments throughout the year. However, if a family opts out of this plan, they will no longer be guaranteed a place for their child in the following school year. The tuition cost for Nampa Christian School depends on the grade level of the student.

For instance, tuition for kindergarten through fifth grade is $4,500 per year, while tuition for sixth through twelfth grade is $5,500 per year. Additionally, there is a one-time registration fee of $200 per student. The school also provides a variety of payment plans to help families manage their tuition costs. These plans include monthly payments, semi-annual payments, and annual payments.

Families can also choose to pay their tuition in full at the start of the school year. It is important to note that if a family does not submit a payment plan or if their plan is rejected or not followed, their child may be expelled from school until the account is up to date. Nampa Christian School values long-term relationships with its families and strives to make tuition costs manageable for all. At Nampa Christian School, parents have several options when it comes to paying tuition. They can choose to pay in full at the beginning of the school year or opt for one of the payment plans offered by the school.

The tuition cost varies depending on the grade level of the student, with kindergarten through fifth grade costing $4,500 per year and sixth through twelfth grade costing $5,500. There is also a one-time registration fee of $200. It is important to note that if a family does not submit a payment plan or if their plan is rejected or not followed, their child may be expelled from school until the account is up to date. At Nampa Christian School, we understand that tuition costs can be difficult for families to manage. That's why we offer several payment plans and strive to make tuition costs manageable for all.

We value long-term relationships with our families and are committed to providing quality education and discipleship to our students.

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